DL-6 e-safety
by david futcher

1. People aren't always who they say they are online
1.1. Be careful about meeting up with people in real life: always tell someone and don't go on your own. meet in public
1.2. Be careful what you say
1.3. Check for fake profiles
1.4. Don't accept "Weird" follow requests
2. Don't post images on line you might regret later
2.1. Would I show my mum this?
2.2. Don't post pictures of your friends without their permissions
3. Be Careful about SPAM / VIRUS emails & messages
3.1. If they ask for bank details
3.2. Links that you aren't expecting
3.2.1. Hover over the link (PC)
3.2.2. Long Press on a touch device
3.3. Who it's sent from - were you expecting it?
3.4. If it's too good to be true it probably it
3.5. No Personal information
3.6. Written in good english
4. Privacy settings as high as possible
5. People hacking your account / identity theft
5.1. Choose secure passwords
5.1.1. Password creator app
5.1.2. Numbers / Caps / Symbols
5.1.3. Length
5.2. Don't share passwords with others
5.3. Don't choose an obvious password
5.4. Don't post personal information which could be used to work out your password
5.5. Don't post other people's personal info
5.6. Only use official apps
5.7. Try to use different usernames/passwords for each site
5.7.1. Use a password manager
5.7.2. Be careful about browser password savers