by khalid aldaboos
1. Quizes
1.1. Short
1.2. Rare
1.3. Easy
1.4. Usually only take 20 mins
2. Projects
2.1. Big part of the grade
2.2. Examples
2.2.1. Science Fair Project Was challenging Fun
2.2.2. Research project Had to include a part (B)
2.3. Usually made on MS Powerpoint
2.4. Take time
3. What we have learned
3.1. Chapters
3.1.1. Waves
3.1.2. Precepetation
3.1.3. Food Cycles
4. Course
4.1. Important
4.2. Interesting
4.3. Motivating
4.4. Hard
4.5. Educates you
5. What I think that will be in the Quiz
5.1. Oxygen
5.2. Plants
5.3. Different Ecosystems
6. Fun
6.1. Collecting class points
6.2. Getting awarded for class points
6.3. Arguing about different things
6.4. Watched movies
6.5. Cool stuff
6.5.1. Pics
6.5.2. Facts
7. Teacher
7.1. Mr. Riley
7.1.1. Intelligent
7.1.2. Kind
7.1.3. Interactive
7.1.4. Fun
7.1.5. Experienced
7.1.6. Nice
8. Interesting things we have done
8.1. Disection
8.1.1. Owl Pellet
8.1.2. Later on we rebuilt the skelleton