by khalid aldaboos

1. Quizes
1.1. English
1.1.1. English punctuation quiz
1.2. Computer
1.3. Computer vocabulary quizes
2. Videos
2.1. VR movie
2.1.1. Interesting
2.1.2. Educational
2.1.3. Fun and easy project
2.2. Over 700 videos for learning
3. FireFox
3.1. Excellent browser
3.2. Why Fire Fox is better than Internet Explorer
3.2.1. Faster
3.2.2. Less Problems
3.2.3. More Advantages
3.2.4. More Features
4. Proffessional Course
4.1. Allows us to ellaborate
4.2. Excellent website
5. Assingnments
5.1. How have computers affected you?
5.1.1. Helps organize information
5.1.2. Gets work done faster
6. Mr. Daniels
6.1. Smart
6.2. Educated
6.3. Experinced
6.4. Hard working
6.5. Has high expectations
6.6. Busy Person!
6.7. Kind
7. Programs and tools used
7.1. Sketchup
7.2. google
7.3. Google Earth
7.4. Movie Maker
7.5. Sketchup
7.6. Free mind
7.7. Mind Meister
7.8. Microsoft Power point
7.9. Microsoft Word
8. Projects
8.1. Businessplan
8.2. Websites
8.3. Sketchup
8.3.1. built house