Health & Safety Issues using IT

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Health & Safety Issues using IT by Mind Map: Health & Safety Issues using IT

1. Screens

1.1. Screens that flicker

1.2. Brightness

1.3. Shouldn’t be too far away or too close

1.4. Don’t look at screens late evening; an hour before STOP

1.4.1. Night shift

1.5. Don’t view in the dark

1.6. Avoid reflections / glare - have away from the window

2. Repetition

2.1. Doing the same thing for too long

2.2. Wrists injuries (RSI)

2.3. Keep keyboards & mouse at close distance

2.4. Force & pressure

2.5. Set time limits

3. Posture

3.1. Don’t strain your neck

3.2. Sit upright in chairs

3.2.1. Have an adjustable chair

4. Trailing cables

4.1. Keep then tidy

5. Make sure you’ve got space around your workstation

6. Avoid food & drink near the computer

6.1. Water & Electricity don’t mix