1. Teaching/Learning
1.1. Lesson 1
1.1.1. Formative assessment
1.1.2. Focus on functions
1.2. Lesson 2
1.2.1. Value of money
1.2.2. Connection between money and decimals
1.2.3. Addition/ Subtraction of decimals using money
1.2.4. Real world connections
1.2.5. Abstract manipulatives
1.2.6. Questioning to show understanding
1.2.7. Emotional responses to the lesson
1.3. Lesson 3
1.3.1. Mental addition of whole numbers
1.3.2. Subtraction of decimal numbers using money
1.3.3. Concept had not been established enough for this activity
1.3.4. Students engaged, but found challenging
1.4. Lesson 4
1.4.1. Number lines with decimals and fractions
1.4.2. Place value
1.4.3. Seriation
1.4.4. Involved whole body movement
1.5. Lesson 5
1.5.1. Addition and subtraction of decimals
1.5.2. Complements using decimals
1.5.3. Place value
1.6. Lesson 6
1.6.1. Addition and subtraction of decimals
1.6.2. Number sentences
1.6.3. Inverse operations
1.6.4. Teacher demonstration could have been more clear and visible
1.6.5. Use of ICT had mixed results
1.7. Lesson 7
1.7.1. Summative Assessment
1.7.2. Complementary decimals
1.7.3. warm up activity
1.7.4. Equivalences- 5.2 and 5.20
2. Proficiency Strands- Students have had the opportunity to develop the proficiency strands throughout the unit
2.1. Fluency
2.1.1. Using a variety of strategies to efficiently calculate answers to problems
2.1.2. Choosing appropriate methods to calculate answers
2.2. Reasoning
2.2.1. Proving their answer
2.2.2. Adapting knowledge to new situations
2.3. Understanding
2.3.1. Transfer knowledge of money to decimals
2.3.2. Connections between decimals and fractions
2.3.3. Understanding why ten tenths makes a whole
2.3.4. Observing patterns in decimals
2.3.5. Describing thinking
2.4. Problem Solving
2.4.1. Communicating solutions and methods of solving problems
2.4.2. Designing own problems to solve or for others to solve
2.4.3. Applying learned strategies to various problems
3. Prior Knowledge
3.1. Some place value
3.2. Money denominations
3.3. Subtraction of whole numbers
3.4. Addition of whole numbers
4. Outcomes Adressed
4.1. (ACMNA079)- Recognise that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions and decimal notation.
4.1.1. Reading ans writing decimals up to hundredths
4.1.2. Writing decimals up to hundredths
4.1.3. Ordering decimals up to hundredths
4.1.4. Solving problems using decimals up to hundredths
4.2. (ACMNA080)- Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies
4.2.1. Carrying out calculations using abstract representations of dollars and cents, and identifying this as a decimal system
4.2.2. Adding amounts of money together to find total cost
4.2.3. Subtracting amounts of money to find change given
4.3. (ACMNA083)- Find unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction and identify equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction
4.3.1. Writing number sentences to represent and answer questions
4.3.2. Using a range of strategies to find an unknown quantity in a number sentence Partitioning Bridging Chunking
5. Knowledge After Teaching and Learning
5.1. Subtraction
5.1.1. Inverse of addition
5.1.2. Answer is less than the biggest number when using manipulatives and symbolism
5.1.3. Mental strategies for subtraction Patterning
5.1.4. Complementary numbers
5.1.5. Subtraction of two digit numbers
5.1.6. Constructing number sentences from word problems
5.2. Place Value
5.2.1. Place value in relation to decimals
5.2.2. Correct placement of hundredths and tenths
5.3. Addition
5.3.1. Addition of decimals
5.3.2. Addition of two digit numbers
5.3.3. Mental strategies for addition Chunking Bridging
5.3.4. Constructing number sentences from word problems
5.3.5. Complementary numbers
5.4. Decimals
5.4.1. A part of a whole
5.4.2. Relationship with money
5.4.3. Complementary numbers
5.4.4. Relationship with fractions
5.5. Money
5.5.1. Representing amounts in different ways
5.5.2. Relationship with decimals
5.5.3. Use as a manipulative for understanding decimals