Technology for Student Learning

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Technology for Student Learning by Mind Map: Technology for Student Learning

1. Interactive Boards

1.1. personal voting devices

1.2. Mobi

1.3. Lesson Recording

1.4. Interactive tools

2. Cameras

2.1. video

2.2. digital/still

3. Personal learning device

3.1. smart phone

3.2. PDA

3.3. touch pad

3.4. kindle/electronic book

4. Administrative Support

4.1. providing funding

4.2. providing ongoing training

4.3. evaluating teacher efforts to integrate technology and meet MT technology standards

4.4. finds solutions to provide time for teachers to plan for tech use and to learn how to use new technologies

5. Computers

5.1. desktop

5.1.1. Windows

5.1.2. Mac

5.2. laptop

5.2.1. Windows

5.2.2. Mac

5.3. netbook

5.4. I-Pad

5.5. Tablet PC

5.5.1. Android

5.5.2. E-book Reader

5.5.3. Motorola

5.6. IPod

5.7. Smartphone

5.7.1. E-mail only

5.7.2. Internet

6. Learning Software

6.1. NoodleTools (online)

6.2. Google Docs (online)

6.3. Tumblebooks

6.4. Accelerated Reader

6.5. Education City

7. Online Collaboration

7.1. Google Apps

7.1.1. Google Earth

7.1.2. Google Sky

7.1.3. Google Sketch Up

7.1.4. Google Docs

7.1.5. Google Translator

7.1.6. Google Books

8. Distance Learning

8.1. video chat

8.2. chat rooms

8.3. email

8.4. blackboard/virtual classroom

8.5. Interactive Video Learning