Social Constructivism

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Social Constructivism por Mind Map: Social Constructivism

1. Teaching

1.1. cooperative learning/group learning - students learn how to interact with others and work as a group

1.2. teacher becomes guide for students, to help them explore learning

1.3. steers them in the right direction, here for support

1.4. know what your students what to learn, and then how to implement the type of teacher necessary

1.5. reflective teaching - questioning what works/doesn't work, how are students responding

2. Technology

2.1. Authentic learning - use what everyone is using in the real world so students can make connections -You Tube, Google, iMovie, Prezzie, Websites

2.2. Computers, iPads, phones, electronic white boards

2.3. easier for students to access information without someone telling them what to do

2.4. real world context - internet is used everyday, by giving students the tools to manouvre it correctly, they can become proficient in ICT skills

3. Curriculum

3.1. focus on ICT capabilities = allows students to be more independent with learning (learn how they want to learn) - through different mediums

3.2. encouraging students to become active thinkers, and have a curiosity to discover more knowledge

3.3. intentional learning - every lesson has a specific purpose, and allows for students to access knowledge of the world and accommodate that knowledge with what they already know and turn that into intentional actions

4. Student Development

4.1. builds on pre-exisiting knowledge

4.2. students can search doe anything they want on the internet - nourishes student learning

4.3. become autonomous and active learners

4.4. connecting learning to the real world - know how to implement knowledge into their lives, and what to make of new findings

4.5. reflective learning - always questioning how, what, why does something work/not work and why its important

5. Assessment

5.1. more ways to assess -digital media (blogs, websites, movies, power points) - constructive learning

5.2. different levels of learning (kids who are struggling and those who are achieving higher) can work at their own pace, and find the information needed in their own time

5.3. see how students have retained the knowledge of the lessons/course, and in what way they have connected it to their previous knowledge and the world

5.4. real world problem solving - give them an assessment that relates back to society so they can make the connection between education and the real world (authentic learning)