Why share knowledge in International Development? KS-Workshop #2

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Why share knowledge in International Development? KS-Workshop #2 por Mind Map: Why share knowledge in International Development? KS-Workshop #2

1. To meet information needs

1.1. Static info

1.2. Producers of info/ knowledge

1.2.1. Local

1.2.2. Global

1.2.3. Some is scarce

1.3. Dynamic info

1.4. convert K from tacit to explicit form

1.5. Adaptable to meet unique demand

1.5.1. diversified delivery channels

1.6. monitor usage and impact

2. Some notes on how

2.1. Inentives (cake!)

2.2. Break the ice first

2.3. How K is "brought to the surface"

2.4. Create places for both formal and informal exchange (over coffee or by watercooler)

2.5. Don't forget DEMAND!

3. Benefits of sharing

3.1. Create trust

3.1.1. Encourages reciprocity

3.1.2. Builds social capital for collaboration

3.1.3. Make sharing "better" than keeping/hiding

3.1.4. encourage questions and support learning

3.2. Increase impact

3.2.1. Improved decision making

3.2.2. two heads are better than one/diversity of experience (1 + 1 = 11)

3.3. Capture knowledge before it leaves organization

3.4. Learn from each others "lessons learned" = Peer learning

3.4.1. Reduces "reinvention of the wheel"

3.5. Get needed information when needed

3.6. Get information in

3.7. Get information out

4. Barriers to sharing

4.1. Knowledge is power!

4.1.1. job / post insecurity

4.1.2. "perceived" as power (but not always)

4.2. silos of knowledge

4.2.1. verticle rather than horizontal

4.3. lack of support

4.3.1. from management

4.3.2. technical know-how for implementing tools

4.4. organizational culture

4.4.1. lack of KS culture in the organization

4.4.2. sharing and learning is not encouraged or rewarded

4.4.3. ks considered waste of time

4.4.4. informal activities have no status, yet a lot of good KS takes place there

4.5. limited resources for face-to-face meetings in decentralised organizations

4.6. lack of shared purpose or commitment

4.7. people have different preferred styles/modes of KS

4.8. dissonance between KS practices and support (in either direction)

5. When doing KS, remember..

5.1. what is the purpose

5.2. understand the consumers (demand)

5.2.1. one size does not fit all

5.2.2. E.g. HQ needs info at a different level than field office (big picture/specifics)

5.2.3. Sometimes doesn't meet everyone's needs

5.3. Understand goals and context

5.4. Provide clear strategic values for all involved

6. Incentives

6.1. reciprocity - by giving you will get what you need

6.2. recognition, professional status

6.2.1. from management

6.2.2. from peers

6.3. Create Alliances

6.3.1. build relationships and networks

6.3.2. involve decision and policy makers where necessary

6.4. makes work interesting and fun

6.5. increased awareness of what others are doing