Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors by Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Jeanne Baret

1.1. French botanist and explorer

1.2. Sailed from 1766 to 1769

1.3. First woman to sail around the globe

1.4. From France, worked for French government

1.5. Became known as "herb woman"

2. Henry Hudson

2.1. Discovered Hudson River, Straight, and Bay

2.2. Sailed Arctic Ocean on May 1, 1607

2.3. In 1610, started search for Northwest Pasasage

2.4. born 1565, died 1611

2.5. Expanded throughout North America

3. Francis Drake

3.1. Attacked Spanish trade cities

3.2. ended Spanish dominance in New World

3.3. Born 1540, died 1596

3.4. Allowed England to be a global empire

3.5. captured several Spanish merchant ships

4. James Cook

4.1. born 1728, died 1779

4.2. disproved existence of "Southern Continent

4.3. led expedition to Antarctic Circle

4.4. First to sail that far South

4.5. Discovered the Hawaiian Islands

5. Hernan Cortes

5.1. born 1485, died 1547

5.2. Conquered Aztec Empire

5.3. Spanish conquistador

5.4. Secured Spain's position in New World

5.5. Oversaw the building of Mexico City