Explorers and Conquerors by Anuj Shah

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Explorers and Conquerors by Anuj Shah por Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors by Anuj Shah

1. Hernán Cortés

1.1. A Spanish conquistador and explorer

1.2. Conquered the Aztec Empire

1.3. Brought Spanish rule to most of Mexico

1.4. Arrived in Santo Domingo in 1504

1.5. Went in 1511 to conqueror Cuba

2. Ferdinand Magellan

2.1. Left for India in 1505

2.2. Went to Spain after being denied

2.3. Killed Spanish members who defied

2.4. Died after trying to convert natives to Christianity

2.5. Was credited even though he died

3. Vasco de Gama

3.1. A Portuguese explorer

3.2. First European to reach India

3.3. Began his voyage to India in 1497

3.4. Boosted the economy by finding spice routes

3.5. Pepper and cinnamon were the most traded

4. Christopher Columbus

4.1. Italian navigator and explorer

4.2. Completed 4 voyages to the New World

4.3. Initiated European civilization in the New World

4.4. Founded the transatlantic slave trade

4.5. Thought he found a route to Asia

5. Francisco Pizarro

5.1. A Spanish conquistador and explorer

5.2. Conquered the Inca Empire

5.3. Killed the Inca emperor, Atahualpa

5.4. Defeated them through guns, germs, and steel

5.5. Known as the leader of the Spanish conquest

6. Hernando de Soto

6.1. A Spanish conquistador and explorer

6.2. First European to cross the Mississippi River

6.3. Led the exploration to Florida and Mississippi

6.4. Was born in 1495 and died in 1542

6.5. Explored most of Southeastern U.S.