Research Tools by: Azam Haghkhah
by Meysam Doaei
1. Search for proper ISI Journal for Submiting
1.1. Web of Science
1.1.1. Journal Title and Scope
1.1.2. Journal Impact Factor
1.1.3. Immediancy Index
1.1.4. Journal Rankig
1.1.5. Half-Life Cited
1.1.6. Half-Life Citing
1.1.7. Citing Journal Data
1.1.8. Issue/Year
1.1.9. Country
2. keeping update by Alert system
2.1. Google Alerts
2.2. Science Direct
2.3. ISI Web of Knowledge
2.4. Pro Quest Dissertation and theses
3. Self Marketing
3.1. Research ID
3.1.1. Meysam Research ID
3.2. Mind Map
3.2.1. Research Tool by Meysam
3.3. Research Gate
3.3.1. Meysam Research Gate
3.4. Academia
3.4.1. Meysam
3.5. Face Book
3.5.1. Meysam
3.6. Google Profile
4. Search for proper paper
4.1. Web of Science
4.1.1. Time Cited
4.1.2. Author H-Index G-Index Published Items in Each Year Citations in Each Year
4.1.3. Journal Impact Factor Journal Ranking Citing Journal Cited Journal Publication Year
4.1.4. Paper Time Cited
4.2. Google
4.3. Google Scholar
5. Reference Management
5.1. End Note
6. Literature Review
6.1. Mind Map
6.2. Publish or Perish
6.3. Desktop Search
6.3.1. dt serach
6.3.2. Google desktop search