Ethical issues in Marketing

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Ethical issues in Marketing por Mind Map: Ethical issues in Marketing

1. ethical behaviour in the marketplace

2. own codes of ethic

3. puffery

4. social responsibility

4.1. serving the environment

4.1.1. environmental stewardship

4.1.2. green marketing earth-friendly packaging etc

4.2. serving society

4.2.1. cause marketing Teinacher rettet Regenwald

4.3. serving community

4.3.1. cultural diversity diff sex diff race diff ethic groups

5. social profit

5.1. benefit received from community work

6. business ethics

7. consumerism

7.1. consumer bill of rights

7.1.1. right to be safe

7.1.2. to be informed corrective advertising

7.1.3. to be heard

7.1.4. to choose freely

8. slotting allowance