How to prevent foodborne illnesses?

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How to prevent foodborne illnesses? por Mind Map: How to prevent foodborne illnesses?

1. What is a foodborne illnesses.

1.1. A foodborne illnesses is a food poising that a general term for health problem caused by eating contaminated food.

2. What are common sources of food that cause foodborne illnesses? (5)

2.1. Diary,raw meet,raw eggs,raw shellfish.

3. what are common symptoms of foodborne illnesses? (name 3)

3.1. vomiting,fever,diarrhea.

4. What are some helpful tips to prevent foodborne illnesses? (name 3)

4.1. Some helpful tips to prevent foodborne illnesses is cook food thoroughly,wash hands,refrigerate and freeze necessary food right away.

5. What are five different types of foodborne illnesses?

5.1. E.coli o 157:h7, listeria monocytogenes, selmonella,staphylococcus,campylobacter.

6. How are foodborne illnesses treated?

6.1. Antibiotics are foodborne illnesses treatment.

7. Are foodborne illnesses contagious? Why or why not?

7.1. yes,the touch of person who is infected can cause another person a foodborne illness disease.