Changing Landscapes of Canadian Families

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Changing Landscapes of Canadian Families por Mind Map: Changing Landscapes of Canadian Families

1. What a Family Looks Like

1.1. Single Parent Families

1.2. Interracial Families

1.3. Blended Families

1.4. Nuclear Family

1.5. Same Sex Families

1.6. No Child Families

2. Greater Cultural Diversity

2.1. By 2031, almost half our population will be born outside of Canada age 15+ (Statistics Canada)

2.2. Greater diversity among families, means our understanding of the Canadian culture is changing.

2.3. It is not enough to just say there is diversity, effort needs to be put in to show the level of diversity society has.

3. Larger Diversity of Languages Being Spoken

3.1. 7.6 Millions Canadians speak a non-official language at home (CBC News).

3.2. English speaking has increased, while individuals who speak french has decreased (CBC News).

4. Lower Fertility Rate

4.1. 6.56 children per woman in 1851 (Statistics Canada)

4.2. 2.64 children per women in 1937 (Statistics Canada)

4.3. Currently 1.16 children per women (Statistics Canada)

5. More Family Members with Jobs

5.1. Between 1976 and 2014, the father as the sole earner declined from 56% to 21%. (Statistics Canada)

5.2. Families that have children in Canada, statistically over half will have two full time working parents (Statistics Canada)

5.3. 78% of single mothers are employed full time (Statistics Canada)

5.4. 93% of single fathers are employed full time (Statistics Canada)

6. More Children Entering into Childcare

6.1. Since more members of the family are working outside of home, children are more often in daycare

6.2. In 2011, 46% of Canadian families reported to use daycare (Statistics Canada).

7. Increased Cost of Living

7.1. The cost of living is so much higher than it ever was before.

7.2. The cost of living changes how families are able to operate.