STL Mobile Web

- preparing for SUNYLA presentation June 15-17, 2011 - a mindmap of the STL mobile web development

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STL Mobile Web by Mind Map: STL Mobile Web

1. How ?

1.1. Assessment tools

1.1.1. Webalizer & Google Analytics Webalizer screenshot

1.2. Which page(s) most visited?

1.2.1. Library Hours Directions & location Database access

1.3. Testing

1.3.1. Opera Mobile emulator

1.4. create /m folder

1.5. create mobile css

1.6. make the mobile pages

2. Why ?

2.1. Communication

2.2. anytime, anywhere access

2.3. Online presence, mobile presence

2.4. Growing mobile market

3. Library Website

3.1. No Mobile-design approach

3.2. lots of pages

3.3. lots of designs/graphics - takes too long to load

4. LibGuide goes mobile?

5. regular updates & maintenance

6. Functions

6.1. Hours

6.2. Search

6.3. Ask Us 24/7

6.4. People Finder

6.5. Directions

6.6. FAQs

7. Databases Mobile API