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sensing por Mind Map: sensing

1. sight

1.1. depend on sight

1.2. hunting

1.3. focus on the prey

1.4. eyeshine

1.4.1. bluish

1.4.2. yellowish

1.4.3. greenish

1.5. see colors and light

1.6. some have a third eye

2. smell

2.1. communication

2.1.1. marking territory urine

2.1.2. recognition

2.1.3. health checks

2.1.4. mating

2.1.5. warning signs

2.1.6. finding your way

2.2. find food

3. hearing

3.1. ultrasound

3.1.1. high frequency

3.2. echolocation

3.2.1. echo from prey

3.2.2. area sound travel

3.3. infrasound

3.3.1. vibrations in the ground

4. key words

4.1. eye shine

4.2. ultrasound

4.3. echolocation

4.4. infrasound

4.5. territorial scent mark