Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) & Intercultural Communication

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Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) & Intercultural Communication by Mind Map: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) & Intercultural Communication

1. 1. ICT/CMC as a means to access and get meaning across cultures

1.1. text-based

1.1.1. websites

1.1.2. chats

1.1.3. listservers

1.1.4. forums

1.2. going beyond political borders

1.3. eLearning

1.3.1. twinning

1.3.2. translation tools

1.3.3. language teaching (FLT)

1.3.4. open university UK

1.4. localization / internationalization

1.5. web2.0

1.5.1. wikis

1.5.2. audio / video

1.5.3. p2p

1.5.4. blogs

2. 2. ICT as a means to preserve cultures

2.1. 3D reconstructions

2.2. museums

2.3. archiving Internet

2.4. wikipedia for poor cultures

3. 3. Communities and cultures made possible and born in the virtual world

3.1. open source & OER

3.2. creative commons (DRM)

3.3. ICT as a culture itself

3.3.1. digital divide telecentres OLPC

3.3.2. digital literacy