mako shark research

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mako shark research por Mind Map: mako shark research

1. The Mako Shark can grow up to 10 feet long and can weigh up to 300 pounds.

2. The mako shark can swim up to 60 miles an hour.

3. The mako shark is a fast speed-swimming shark.

4. Threats that mako shark faces are fisherman killing and selling them.

5. The Mako Sharks lifespan lasts on an average of 28-35 years.

6. The mako shark is a powerful and aggressive shark and have been blamed for multiple attacks on humans.

7. Mako sharks can also be spotted between New Zealand and Australia.

8. The mako shark is also known as a Lamniforme. A Lamniforme is a greek word that means "Fish Of Prey"

9. The mako shark is found in the Gulf stream or warmer offshore waters.

10. The mako shark feeds on cephalopods. Cephalopods are squids or octopuses.

11. The mako shark is one of the most dangerous sharks in the world.

12. The mako shark is well-adapted to other animals in the sea.