Building Day theme: Purpose. Community Ideation Results

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Building Day theme: Purpose. Community Ideation Results by Mind Map: Building Day theme: Purpose. Community Ideation Results

1. Connections

1.1. Membranes: btwn Hub & public

1.1.1. Who isn’t a social innovator?

1.1.2. How can we invite more people into the game?

1.1.3. How does the impact and reach of the Hub extend beyond its walls?

1.1.4. How can we influence local companies to move deeper than a siloed CSR department?

1.1.5. Humanosphere (KPLU program) could be used to broadcast notifications of events and activity at the Hub

1.1.6. If we all know each other well inside the Hub (i.e. members) we can help connect other Hub members to outside parties.

1.1.7. Hub member meetups before going to conferences like SXSW.

1.1.8. Intentional outreach to communities outside Seattle who don’t see themselves as innovators.

1.1.9. Partnerships: Hub members engage with BGI, Global WA, etc.

1.1.10. Topic Days with an expert host are open to the public

1.1.11. Events for connecting with the surrounding neighborhood (i.e. block parties)

1.1.12. How can the Hub have an effect on the neighborhood?

1.1.13. Leverage Ashoka Resources, Ashoka Fellows & Technology, etc.

1.1.14. Hub host TEDxSeattle

1.1.15. Innovative Event Formats – Unconferences; Unconventional gatherings to promote better info exchange; Story telling/film

1.1.16. Hub Ambassador Program - Do external speaking engagements

1.1.17. Bring in International Thought Leaders

1.1.18. Bring in marginalized communities for additional perspective

1.1.19. Create visual maps of projects/themes/efforts happening in the community in nearly ‘real time’

1.2. Social Value, Happiness, Lifestyle

1.2.1. Hub Clubs- members connecting over hobbies.

1.2.2. Dance parties!

1.2.3. How do we overcome the “freeze”? How do we bond socially?

1.2.4. Food-themed events: salad day, Weekly Waffle Wednesday, wine tasting, etc.

1.2.5. Food brings people together!

1.2.6. Hub Pub!

1.2.7. Yoga

1.2.8. Open mic

1.2.9. How can the Hub help solve Seattle’s passive-aggressive funk?

1.2.10. Have an awesome kitchen! Put the kitchen in the center!

1.2.11. Friday Happy hours

1.3. Capacity, Infrastructure, Leverage & Design

1.3.1. Having organizational talent and project managers on call in the space.

1.3.2. Weekly update meetings, “all-school assembly” for members

1.3.3. Loose talent available in the hub-- it increases opportunities for impact when we work together.

1.3.4. Connect people by professional skills & hobbies

1.3.5. Teams and Teaming Opportunities for freelancers & independents.

1.3.6. Roving interns who can work on any Hub member’s project

1.3.7. The Hub as a place for recruiters to scout talent

1.3.8. How can The Hub help redundant organizations merge?

1.3.9. A pooled investment or funding model to encourage orgs to collaborate. Tie our successes together.

1.3.10. Geo Dome

1.3.11. How can the space be designed to encourage serendipitous connections and valuable coincidences?

1.4. Storytelling

1.4.1. Share success stories that resulted from Hub Collaboration: blog, film, art.

1.4.2. Advocacy programs

1.4.3. Make very tangible what the Hub has produced, what has resulted from the connections within the hub. This will attract the next leve/ the outer network of supporters.

1.4.4. Documentation and Storytelling

1.4.5. Talk about SNL

1.4.6. Local Media: Pirate Hub radio; Reality TV show

1.4.7. Crowdfund Collaborative multi-media projects to be given to the world!

1.5. New ways to Communicate

1.5.1. “Speed dating” among members

1.5.2. Employ a mediator

1.5.3. Skills/Needs info from members visible in public, like a marketplace.

1.5.4. “Who is in the Hub now” board to display profiles of members currently in the room.

1.5.5. Bring in existing expert facilitators and encourage people to use their services.

1.5.6. Twitter #hashtags for members

1.5.7. Facilitating Regional Visioning

1.5.8. Look at infrastructure for social networking inside of innovative (mostly European) corporate HQ’s (e.g. TetraPak in Sweden)

1.5.9. Members-only Foursquare channel so members can see where each other are around Seattle.

1.5.10. Technology-enabled connecting: WiserEarth, Basecamp, Social media

1.6. Innovation Culture & Learning

1.6.1. Encouraging spontaneous encounters

1.6.2. Bridge the Gap between Techies and non-techies. Make space for both to shine.

1.6.3. Hosting tough conversations.

1.6.4. Activities giving members ownership over what happens

1.6.5. Topic Days -> resident expert host

1.6.6. Host shared interest nights.

1.6.7. The Hub as neutral zone – the Switzerland of social innovation-

1.6.8. What makes people come alive? Lets connect around that.

1.6.9. Play space

1.6.10. Classes- members could sit in on classes at Universities, and students from the university could attend Hub events

1.6.11. Bookshelf with books organized by topic so people with similar interests bump into each other

1.6.12. Hub Challenges! Social gaming applied to real-world action. Like geocaching times social innovation. Hub competitions around challenges and ideas

1.6.13. Parallel Culture infiltrate Larger Culture

1.6.14. How can Introverted Intellectuals come out of their shell and share their genius?

1.6.15. A friendly environment: a garden for attracting birds and bees

1.6.16. Share - What’s working and what’s not; What you’ve seen, found, experienced (Regularly/monthly/quality)

1.6.17. Learning between Hub Network: Involve other Hubs: Virtual screen with live feed to all other locations; Shared Sky drive; Intranet (best practices)

2. Knowledge Sharing

2.1. Sharing Hub member stories, getting to know each other

2.1.1. Synergy Map - scan, map and connect all the emerging innovations happening across all the sectors; Wall map of cool things going on in Seattle, and in the world

2.1.2. IPads in cafe, community areas, preloaded wit stories of Hub members

2.1.3. Connect with writers - ask them to write/share success stories and failure stories of work happening at the Hub "Failure Story of the Month" - fail sooner, succeed sooner Idea of the Month. Attract investors, attract partners Failure of the Mentor Club - Sharing failures and successes

2.1.4. Member bios - FB What do you love?

2.1.5. Polaroid ID wall of members, map with visuals

2.1.6. Member orientation days

2.1.7. Desk Tent (physical and electronic), My experience, What I’m working on, Unmet needs, Etc.

2.1.8. Hub profiles (personal/member profiles)

2.1.9. Profiles of Hub members to know what knowledge is in the room (collective intelligence visualization)

2.2. Central database re: social enterprise. Need a "known" hub for the info (WiserEarth exists...)

2.2.1. Clearinghouse

2.2.2. Web

2.2.3. Events/subject/area

2.2.4. Wiki

2.2.5. Online Forums: Crowd-source social enterprise info

2.3. KBCS One World Report

2.4. Automated knowledge transfer database

2.5. Hosted, intentional knowledge exchange

2.5.1. Hosted small projects bringing likely collaborators together – toward serendipity

2.5.2. Facilitate Interactions: Member orientation; provide support to new/young entrepreneurs

2.6. Bulletin board, member-run and organized

2.6.1. Community sharing platform/board: What is something new you learned this week? (ideas, social businesses, individuals, etc.)

2.7. Encourage off-campus adventures

2.8. Get people out of their heads! fun events that break down barriers

2.8.1. Organized lunchtime walks

2.8.2. Potlucks

2.8.3. Conversation treadmills in the conference rooms. Everyone facing each other in dialogue New node

2.8.4. Fingerpainting day

2.8.5. Shared interests nights

2.9. Draw connections for people that they may not initially see (living map)

2.10. Think Tanks in the Hub with “fellow” taking notes and spreading knowledge (Hub gardener)

3. Resources

3.1. Space culture

3.1.1. Full kitchen, Cafe, Food!!! Potlucks Brown Bag lunches Free beverages Hub Pub

3.1.2. Plants, garden, on-site produce, access to outdoors space

3.1.3. Living room

3.1.4. Shower

3.1.5. Bike racks

3.1.6. Dogs

3.1.7. Aquarium

3.1.8. Hot tub, massage therapist

3.1.9. Dance Floor

3.1.10. Yoga space/classes

3.1.11. Gym and basic equipment

3.1.12. Art work Local light installations

3.1.13. Good natural lighting

3.2. Space to work in

3.2.1. Lots of electrical outlets

3.2.2. White boards, white board walls, lots of white boards, like IDEO's idea room

3.2.3. Materials for creative idea generation & rapid prototyping - craft supplies, duct tape.

3.2.4. Bulletin boards Community Questions board: post Q or challenges you are facing in a public space and get community feedback Problems for Solving - can help address tangible needs and allow people to show off what they can do

3.2.5. Lockers, rentable storage space

3.2.6. Lockers for small start-ups, closed office space for larger orgs

3.2.7. Childcare/daycare

3.2.8. Mixed use areas Private areas Small mtg spaces that can be turned into larger room Conference room that can be easily reconfigured Hot desks between quiet "library" zone and collaboration zone Play space, relational space

3.2.9. Shared calendar

3.2.10. shared Library

3.2.11. Modular furniture Chairs & tables w/ wheels

3.2.12. Standing desks

3.2.13. Tech equipment and support Multiple projectors Mobile screens Digital cameras Small studio w/ green screen iPads in the cafe/community space (preloaded w/ stories about Hub members)

3.2.14. 24-hr workspace

3.2.15. Space for: 2-3 intimate spaces, 4-8 personal, 12-20 social not public

3.3. People

3.3.1. Diverse membership Diversity of age, gender, race, political Scholarships?

3.3.2. Shared admin

3.3.3. Expert office hours. On-site consultation and support Legal, legal help Accounting, CPA Graphic facilitation Visual representation Hosting Team presentation Design Writing Impact assessment specialists Admin help Integrated start-up support from programs and orgs through the city into a streamlines

3.3.4. Specialist "pools" - potential board members, advisors, interns, designers, etc.

3.3.5. Set office hours for collaboration - post your expertise to your profile & people can visit you

3.3.6. Labor hour exchange (barter skills or $$)

3.3.7. Incentivize structures: ensure that those who have the most resources & least time are properly incentivized to offer those valued resources (trade-able credits, etc) Service trade incentives: "I have a skill" "I have a need"

3.3.8. Space for youth, add vibrancy Mentor program GSEC Youth Force: subsidiary of Boy and Girls Club, works to provide internships for "at risk" youth in the Seattle Business community Generation Waking Up - youth culture

3.3.9. Donors, VCs, investors in-residence

3.3.10. $$ Money Trees $$

3.3.11. Social responsibility: planned community reinvestment for neighborhood location HUB giving campaign

3.3.12. Trust: how might we protect/respect ideas so that people are willing to share and collaborate? Creating a col

3.4. Design

3.4.1. Design resource sharing into the architecture - hard baked in, not added on

3.4.2. Visual: who's here?

3.4.3. Build an IDEO-type design lab

3.4.4. For the architects: mentor and new talent = best solution (AIA, UofW)

3.4.5. HUB design project: list minimum specs, open to competition, presentation to funding community, AIA partnership, public space planners

3.4.6. Integrate natural scapes, art (+/-)

3.4.7. Architect Students? Hub Space: collaborative competition for designing Hubspace - Mentor & Student architect for design

3.4.8. Private space vs. social space, intimate, personal and collaborative spaces; Space where people can be loud; put water and kitchen far from quiet offices

3.4.9. Promote ‘buzz’ in the room and also provide meeting room privacy

3.5. Mascot

3.6. Hub fighting song

4. New node