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Campaign Seeds by Mind Map: Campaign Seeds

1. Blog

1.1. Image Field

1.2. Video Field

1.3. Author/Date

1.4. Body/WYSIWYG

1.5. Related Services

1.6. Related Projects

1.7. Disqus Comments

2. Portfolio/Projects

2.1. Image Gallery

2.2. Video

2.2.1. Walk-through Screencasts

2.2.2. John Dennis - Wicked Witch

2.3. Related Services

2.4. Body/WYSIWYG

2.5. Team Members

3. Services

3.1. Related Blog

3.2. Image

3.3. Description

4. Promotional Pages

4.1. Prominately displayed phone numbers

4.2. Capture emails

4.3. Eventually lead up to automated service.

5. Profiles

5.1. Links to Social Networks

5.1.1. Facebook

5.1.2. Twitter

5.1.3. LinkedIn

5.2. Projects

5.3. Blogs

5.4. Specialty Services

6. Affiliate Pages

6.1. Links out to affiliated websites

7. Goals

7.1. Get New Clients

7.1.1. SEO Promote discussion via interesting and informative blogs Reach out to local community - San Diego Campaign Seeds Drupal topics "Campaign seeds for liberty" Liberty New node

7.1.2. Ad Budget Effective ad campaign New node

7.2. Impress Potential Clients

7.3. Promote current Clients

7.4. Create value for our individual team members.

7.5. Demonstrate our CMS ability AND our graphic design ability.

7.6. Facilitate Sales Personnel with presentations

7.6.1. Load in powerpoint presentations?

8. Contact

8.1. Contact form

8.2. Map

8.3. Contact Information and emails for different Team Members

9. Global

9.1. Header

9.1.1. Logo

9.1.2. Social Networks

9.1.3. Phone Number

9.2. Footer

9.2.1. Phone Number

9.2.2. Address

9.2.3. Legal Disclaimers

9.2.4. Services

9.2.5. Recent Projects

9.2.6. Recent News