Why do people migrate
by Blong Lee
1. Economic- Some places have better and higher paying jobs so people move there.
2. Push factor - people move out to find a better life or because of war.
3. Immigrate- Some people move into other countries because of better opportunities.
4. Politics- people immigrate because the government is not treating them right and don't have as much freedom as other countries.
5. Brain gain- When a country gain smart people form another country
6. Brain drain- when a country loses smart people to other richer countries.
7. Social/ cultural- some people move because they do not have the freedom to practice their religion.
8. Environmental- some people move because of natural disasters such as tornadoes and floods.
9. Acculturation- Some people immigrate to America and adapt to the American way because that will give you a better life.
10. Emigrate- some people move out of their own country because of war or maybe dictation
11. Voluntary migration- moving by choice. For example, maybe i just want to move to another city
12. Pull factor- other countries have better jobs, better medical care and more freedom.
13. Internal migration- people can move from one place to another in their country. Like moving from a farm area to the cities.
14. Involuntary migration- this is where people are forced to migrate because of slavery and political instability
15. migration stream- moving to a specific location because Other people moved there.
16. Chain migration- moving to a specific place because relatives live there.