AI Advances

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AI Advances by Mind Map: AI Advances

1. Perfect translation algorithms

1.1. Unification of the world’s market for goods and services

1.1.1. Heavy economic concentration (the largest firms are 100x bigger than the ones we can find today)

1.2. Unification of the world’s labor market

1.2.1. Workforces are scattered, because each company looks for the best employees everywhere

1.2.2. Convergence of pay levels between countries

1.3. Explosion of available sources of information

1.3.1. Faster diffusion of knowledge Acceleration of scientific discoveries

1.4. Media concentration on a worldwide scale

1.4.1. The Australian news app "Echoes of the World" is read by 2 billion people every day

2. Possibility to measure very precisely the marginal contribution that each employee brings to her company

2.1. Numerous salary adjustments on an individual basis, upwards and downwards

2.1.1. Reacting against this movement, a lot of "non-marginalist" companies are founded, with the goals of fending off rising individualism and valuing collective efforts

2.1.2. The distribution of salaries extends in both directions, but is more socially accepted General demand for a significant investment in education: differences in pay are accepted, but only if every child gets the same probability of reaching the top

2.1.3. Trade union resurgence, centered on the creation of alternative productivity indicators, taking into account its collective aspect

3. Algorithmic design of new materials

3.1. Creation of building structures benefiting from a never-before-seen couple / resistance ratio

3.1.1. Building 2km-high skyscrapers is now mundane Uninterrupted densification of metropolises Le coût du transport vertical dépasse celui du transport horizontal traditionnel

3.1.2. Baisse drastique du coût des bâtiments Baisse drastique de la part du logement primaire dans le budget des ménages 95% de la population dispose de 2 résidences et vit à part égale dans 2 endroits dans l'année

4. Excellent matching algorithms

4.1. In developed countries, fertility rates rise up to 2.5 children per woman

4.1.1. Land is increasingly scarce Cities ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants enjoy the fastest growth rates

4.2. Strong increase in the index of family happiness

4.2.1. Kids are well-rounded, better educated 20 years later, explosion of productivity due to the "happy children" generation entering the labor market

5. Widely-available, personalized online education (MOOC ^ 1000)

5.1. Significant increase in the average level of education in developing countries

5.1.1. Quick widening of the gap between educational attainment and available opportunities Numerous uprisings

5.2. Amplification of the brain drain towards developed countries, since it is easier to spot promising talents

6. Precise algorithms for credit risk assessment

6.1. Fall in credit cost

6.1.1. During the transition phase towards the new norm, explosion of investments Creation of an unprecedented financial bubble

7. Very-low-cost robot lawyers

7.1. Permanent contestation of fines, terms and conditions, employment contracts…

7.1.1. The demand for legal advice outpaces by far price cuts: legal services are now the biggest industry in the whole economy

7.1.2. Hyper-contractual society: everything is now formalized (e.g. Neighbor Relations Agreements are commonplace), a plumber’s quote is on average 30-page long, the cat-and-mouse game unfolding between bots and companies has resulted in Google’s Terms of Service reaching a length of 13,514 pages...

7.2. Conflict resolution is way faster than before

7.2.1. The legal uncertainty that used to paralyze corporate decisions is not a burden anymore The gain in economic agility has added 0.5% to the GDP yearly growth rate

8. Cutting-edge algorithms for disease prevention

8.1. Life expectancy increases to 120 years

8.1.1. Society is increasingly conservative

8.1.2. The children of the first centenarian generation have worse living standards than their parents, for they cannot rely on inheritance anymore

8.1.3. Implosion of the system of public retirement benefits: everyone is responsible for covering individual risks Insurers enjoy renewed growth opportunities

8.2. Health expenditures are divided by 4

8.2.1. Health insurance groups go bankrupt

8.2.2. Government budgets all generate surpluses Tremendous investment programs in education and basic research New technological revolution

9. Hyper-customization of content (e.g. Netflix automatically fine-tunes each movie according to users’ profiles and reactions)

9.1. No two persons share the same entertainment content

9.1.1. Coworkers don’t know what to talk about at the watercooler

9.1.2. Couples argue over whose customized version of the series they will watch

9.1.3. A sizable second-hand P2P market develops to share and compare all the customized version of a same show

9.1.4. Every year, large-scale festivals take place over several weeks: rituals of cultural synchronization

9.2. Theaters are replaced with hyper-customized-entertainment factories, made up of row and rows of hyper-immersive podtainers

10. Excellent algorithms to match employers with employees and to constitute teams

10.1. Staying in 1 company for one’s whole life is common

10.1.1. Companies expand to new industries: in order to retain seasoned teams that contemplate career changes, executives let them explore new areas

10.2. The "atomic" level of the firm is not the individual employee but the team

10.3. Trust is everywhere, internal communication is simple; numerous middle-management jobs lose their very purpose