Audio: From your experiences where else do you think that you can add audio to enhance the instr...

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Audio: From your experiences where else do you think that you can add audio to enhance the instructional process? por Mind Map: Audio: From your experiences where else do you think that  you can add audio to enhance the instructional process?

1. Recording lectures and making them available as podcasts. T. Cavanaugh

1.1. I have been toying with the idea of recording part of my classroom lecture as a podcast and feel knowledgeable enough to do so after this session

2. Adding audio to powerpoint presentations, especially an interview or dialogue is an especially powerful way to convey ideas. I had a presentation on the supreme court justices (Scalia and Brenner), and I felt my students got a lot more out of it because they could get a sense of the interaction of these two powerful people. I also applaud Nicholas's song on Descartes. One of my co-teachers had students write caberat songs about calculus. "The derivative" was a wonderful song, but unfortuneatly did not make it to the Top Forty. Mike Fitch

3. I teach workshops on reducing test anxiety and improving study skills. I would like to add calming audio to these workshops to encourage students to listen to it while they are studying or preparing for a test. I would like to see if this helps some of them to reduce anxiety when preparing for a big test. - Jana Wilkinson

4. I believe for ESL students, record their speaking and then listen to themselves back allows them to recognize their grammatical mistakes and mispronunciation. –M. Alqarawi

5. Audio is a great tool to use in starting discussions and in sharing ideas from people across the nation. It is great for enhancing power points and keeping students attention. It is a shame that more teachers don't include audio in their lessons. -Jillian Hartshorne

6. Audio can be used to enhance the instructional process by incorporating music into the lesson. Kids learn the words to various songs easily. If the songs are then turned into educational songs then the kids can remember the concepts. -Ranata Wright

6.1. I agree with Ranata, songs are definitely a great memorization tool for in the classroom. I also feel that I could utilize audio as an option for a UDL assignment. A student could write/record a song, interview, or dialogue to show what they have learned. - April Wallace

7. In history classes, as part of a teaching activity in the classroom, students may use oral history materials to get a full description of a past event. Nehaya A.

8. I can use audio to enhance the instructional process by using audio in class before the test that I will give the students to make the students relax and help to remove any nervousness about the test, and I will turn the music or white noise through the test to keep stress down and focus. Qhaliah Shukhi.

9. Using audio during the lesson is considered important part to enhance the instructional process by provide the basis for improved teaching and learning of a subject .In addition, It is a great tool to achieve specific instructional goal and stimulate students’ interest. Also it helps students to recognize a problem, Provide solution, summarize discussion and makes instruction more powerful and immediate in the classroom. Areej Alshamrani.

10. Audio accessibility and adaptation is a huge part of my classroom instruction as I teach visually impaired students. It not only enhances the educational process for my students, for some it is their main learning modality. This week I used a PowerPoint I had made for another class where I learned how to add audio to my pages for a concept students have been struggling with. They loved it and asked if we could do it again the next day. Sound helps engage students in the learning process. Joy Carriger

11. I also mostly teach VI students, and using audio is a necessity for them. I like finding ways to help them incorporate their own methods to help them learn, such as using apps on their phone to record voice notes or reminders in the calendar entries. - Marja DeFord

12. I believe that for adult students, audio can enhance the instructional process. For example, the instructor can play a prerecorded interview related to their subject. This will make the lectures more informative and engaging. On the other hand, the students themselves can add audio to their projects or assignments to make them more memorable and meaningful. Manal Alshebeili

13. Using audio as white noise or background music can help to support and enhance instruction, learning, and reduce stress. Classical music can help relieve stress and enhance math learning, period music can express the mood and opinions during a point in history. This can make the learning more meaningful for the students. Ingrid Marrero-Mateo

14. Add audio inside stories that lists for children. Where the sound is not isolated and is linked to the events of the story; to give it a better atmosphere and more enhance instructional process, adding that after the emotional story. Shatha Almohanna

15. Add audio to lessons, as a teacher of physical education I can use it during playing sports to give my students more comfortable and relaxed, making their minds more open to receive the information. Meshal Benhomaid

16. There are many ways to use audio to enhance the instructional process. It can be used as a timer for bell-ringer activities, and become incorporated into the overall lesson. Students can find audio recordings of famous speeches and create their own speech using Audacity. They can also record their own reading as part of reading instruction or for an audio report. For classroom activities, audio can be added to digital stories to enhance the learning experience.

17. Being an ESL teacher and a Spanish teacher, I think that audios are one of the most important and effective teaching/learning tools. Songs and any other kind of audio files can be used to improve and develop listening skills and skills related to listening, such as note taking and summarizing. Being myself an ESL learner, I can say that I learned a lot of vocabulary and American expressions from songs, so I will definitely incorporate as many songs, music and other audios as I can in my English and Spanish lessons. Moira Pileri Blanco - 9/10/16

18. I have used audio in the classroom by helping my students learn complicated technical aspects related to professional industry certifications.  I would like to incorporate it more in the classroom though because it is highly beneficial to the students.  Elizabeth Johnston

19. Using or adding audio in the lesson for English as second language “ESL” students is a great way to help students improve their pronunciation and listening skills. Also, it assists students practicing language loudly and speaking front the audience. Using or adding audio in the lesson Helps to build fluency skills including proper phrasing and expression and assist students build comprehension. Abeer Alsaied.

20. Sometimes having audio files could help in  making the learning process successful. Audio files can be used to provide chapters of audiobooks for students. This is preferable for students who learn mostly by listening rather than reading a text. Another use of audio files is to give more information about a topic that was not cover in the time of the class, which would enrich the students with more information. Another use of audio files is to get an audio content for a class so that the students who were absent could know what they missed. Last, audios can be embedded in the classroom in many forms such as music, general instructions, and submitting or receiving notes.  Saleh Alghamdi

21. I find that audio being incorporated into teaching lessons can be a powerful tool. I know that in my classroom I like to use sound to allow the students to learn by example. I teach automotive and with my students knowing the difference between sounds in a car will help them differentiate a damaged or out of spec part with a correctly working part. A little bit of audio can go a long way with students in the understanding of a topic. I like to incorporate sounds (haven’t done it yet) into all of my lessons on engines and transmissions to enhance the lesson that I present. -- John Carter 9/16/2016

22. While I love music and audio components for instruction, I teach deaf students. Some years I have had a balance of profoundly deaf and hard of hearing students so I could still use audio components in my instruction but this year, the majority of my students (3 out of 4) are profoundly deaf. The one student who has some hearing works with a phonics program on the computer where he listens to sounds and matches them with the correct letter. This would not be appropriate at all for the rest of my students. All that to say, I don't really know of any other ways to implement audio in my exact teaching situation as I would need to interpret what was being said. There is definitely merit to using it in traditional teaching settings though! I am an auditory learner and really benefit form listening to instruction. -Marissa Harrer

23. I find when I add music to my lessons my  students are quiet and listen more intently.  They also know if I get 1 minute of good work, I will turn on Kidz Bop for them to work to.   This adds to their motivation and work production.  We also have a school wide expectation when music is on in the cafeteria there is no talking (a time to eat).  This has followed through with classrooms, students work hard and get things done.  I also Tellegomi an app that has a great avitar that talks.  As I greet students in the morning my avitar directs them on their morning work! Marotta, kris

24. Audio is a great teaching and learning aid and is a helpful method for capturing and presenting information. I think that Audio can be used for connecting with your students and providing up-to-date content, interviews, discussions or lecture materials. Faris Aljuaid

25. I,personally, think it would be if instructors provided supplemental audio on top of the material that is being taught.  Some people are audio learners, so it would be best if while studying they could also have some commentary about the material.  Ryan Duzon

26. I work with deaf and hard of hearing students in a bilingual (ASL/English) program. In this program it is encouraged that we use ASL first and then spoken English if necessary, so I do use a little bit of audio during instruction, especially during my reading block. My hard of hearing students can listen to audio podcast of stories being read as I sign them. This way, they are learning signs to English words. -Yvonne Samuels

27. Audio is a powerful teaching and learning component. It can be used by teachers to get the attention of their students. It can be added to many projects such as power point presentations in which an audio file can be uploaded or a sound effect can be added to the slide. One of my English teachers was playing different sounds in her class to entertain the class, to notify them, and to get their attention when she wants to mention something important. Areej Alfozan