Community Helpers
by Norene Green
1. Construction Workers
2. Police Officers
3. Medical Personnel
4. SanitationWorkers
5. Mail Carriers
5.1. Social / Emotional
5.1.1. Exchange Mail with peers
5.1.2. Develop Relationships
5.2. Language and Literacy
5.2.1. Children's Literature
5.2.2. Pre-writing
5.2.3. Print Awareness
5.2.4. Dramatic Play
5.3. Math
5.3.1. Counting
5.3.2. Sorting, Catagorizing
5.4. Science
5.4.1. Examine Stamps Use tools
5.4.2. Automation
5.4.3. Printing
5.5. Social Studies
5.5.1. Human Communication
5.5.2. Occupations
5.6. Physical Development, Health, Safety
5.6.1. Mail Delivery Relay
5.7. Fine Arts
5.7.1. Create Mail Boxes
5.7.2. Create Greeting Cards