1. A third of the jobs that will be available in 2015 have essentially not been invented yet.
2. Knowledge Workers of the Information Age will be equated to the assembly line workers of the Twenty first Century! The Creative Class-Richard Florida
3. It is estimated that all the knowledge that is known today will comprise only 1% of all the knowledge available by the year 2030!
4. By 2017, iPod will contain the Library of Congress.
5. We are in a transition from the Information Age to the Innovation Age!
7. Change is hardest on those caught by surprise!
8. Today’s younger workers have a preference for sharing, staying connected, instantaneity, multitasking, assembling random information into patterns and using technology in new ways. They have already begun to challenge the established way of doing things in the business world. Financial Times, Sept. 26, 2006
9. Knowledge creators are the only people whose jobs cannot be outsourced.
10. Instead of hiring whole people to do creative work, many business post their biology and chemistry needs on the InnoCentive Web site, hoping that one of the registered researchers will be able to provide a solution. There are 85,000 registered “solvers.”
11. MOBILE 2.0
11.1. The mobile web will become the dominant access method in many countries of the world, with devices that become more hybrid and networks that become more powerful - everywhere in the next decade to come.
11.2. Rapid penetration of Wireless Broadband Access technnolies as 3G/UMTS. The telecom operators are seeing the emergence of Internet technologies, with the availability of affordable and functional Wi-Fi and dual mode Wi-Fi/mobile phones... will all boost VoIP over broadband internet and ultimately blur the distinction between fixed and mobile services, since both become wireless and IP based.
11.3. Mobile 2.0 is revolution that already started, that will dramatically change the mobile space as we know it now.
11.4. • Harnessing Collective Intelligence • Ubiquitous Access - operator independant • Context relevant - desktop is not a mobile screen • Create Compelling User Experiences • Synchronisation between Web & Mobile • Social Interaction - profile & personal media exchange, chat & messaging, status updates
11.5. New startups focus
11.5.1. • Building Solid User Base - Think global, act viral! • Intelligence: Is the key to success, understand your user • Location - Find places as well as people! • Address Book Integration • Constraints - latency - battery life - bandwith limitation • Privacy and security ! • Perpetual Beta? THE PLAYERS • Audio (Nokia Podcasting, Visual Radio, Rhapsody, Pandora Mobile, iTunes) • Development Platforms (Mooga,mFoundry, Funambol) • Entreprise (SoonR) • Imaging (scanR, Shozu, Daem Interactive) • Location-Based (buddyping, loopt, Plazes, Socialight, dodgeball) • Media Sharing (Shozu, Mosh, MoJungle, PixPulse, PixSense, SharpCast) • Microblogging (Jaiku, Twitter, Pownce, Frazr, Fanfou, Zuosa, Blabto) • Mobilize (BluePulse, Plusmo) • Point Of Sales Mobile Channels (Futurlink) • QR-codes (BeeTagg, Kaywa, ShotCode) • Shopping (Frucall, Text2Store) • Social Media (Facebook, MySpace, MyStrands, Mobiluck, Rabble) • Transactions (Mobo, MyNuMo) • Video (YouTube, ViiF, Oplayo, vpod.tv, JuiceCaster, ComVu) • Voice (Fring, Jaja, Gizmo, Grand Central, TalkPlus, Trufone) • Widgets (Bling, Widsets, Mojax, Webwag)
12. Knowledge is different from all other resources. It makes itself constantly obsolete, so that today’s advanced knowledge is tomorrow’s ignorance.
13. Intel’s computer chips in 1965 held a few dozen transistors.Today, Intel’s high-end chip contains more than 1.7 billion transistors. That number is expected to exceed 10 billion by 2012. Technology Review, July, 2005
14. Creativity is the currency of the new millennia.
15. “The world is experiencing the third biggest economic revolution of the past millennium alongside the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution. The resurgence of China and India and the impact of disruptive new technologies are revolutionizing the global economy. ”Larry Summers, President, Harvard"
16. By 2014, iPod will hold the contents of the Library of Harvard University.
17. In the life of a typical 21 year old entering the workforce today has, on average, included 5,000 hours of video game playing, exchange of 250,000 emails, instant messages, and phone text messages, 10,000 hours of mobile phone use. Add to that 3,500 hours of time online. Financial Times, Sept. 20, 2006
18. A top global company distributed iPod Nanos to new employees hired from US college campuses. The Nanos were preloaded with podcasts describing each of the benefits offered by the company. The older workers preferred to read about the benefits on the company website. Different generational learning styles. Financial Times, Sept. 26, 2006
19. Countries are now able to compete for global knowledge work as never before. It is now possible for more people than ever to collaborate and compete in real time on a more equal footing. The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman
20. Baron and Taylor in their book, Scientific Creativity, state that it takes 3-5 years for a person to recover from their University experience before they create any new knowledge.
21. InnoCentive found the odds of a solver’s success increased in fields in which they had no formal expertise. The most efficient networks are those that link to the broadest range of information, knowledge and experience.
22. WEB 2.0
22.1. The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International in 2004
22.2. Emphasizing tools and platforms that enable the user to Tag, Blog, Comment, Modify, Augment, Rank, etc.
22.3. The more explicit synonym of "Participatory Web"
22.4. “There are no products, only solutions” Not what customer wants but why they want A problem solving approach Simple Solutions
22.5. Customization
22.5.1. Every individual is unique Allow him to choose instead of forcing him to use what you have made Some people want to be different Make him feel home e.g. My yahoo, Google Homepage, myspace, my naukri?? Firefox extensions
22.6. Focus on "The long tail"
22.6.1. Reach out to the entire web To the edges and not just to the centre, to the long tail and not the just the head Leverage customer-self service e.g. Google, StumbleUpon, orkut
22.7. Harnessing Collective Intelligence
22.7.1. Network effects from user contribution are the key to market dominance in Web 2.0 era The Wisdom of crowds – Users add value Amazon, ebay - User reviews, similar items, most popular, Wikipedia – content can be added/edited by any web user, Flickr – tagging images Cloudmark – Spam emails
22.8. Specialized Database
22.8.1. Every significant application to date has been backed by a specialized database E.g. Amazon, Google, Ebay Database management is the core competency of Web 2.0 companies “infoware” rather than merely “software”
22.9. Who owns the data
22.9.1. Control over data has led to market control and oversized financial returns It will provide a sustainable competitive advantage to the company Especially is data sources are expensive to create or amenable to increasing returns via network effects Race is to own certain classes of core data e.g. naukri.com, 99acre, yahoo
22.10. Software above the level of a Single Device
22.10.1. The PC is no longer the only access device for internet applications Applications that are limited to a single device are less valuable than those that are connected. Design your application from the get-go to integrate services across handheld devices, PCs, and internet servers.
22.11. Benefits of Web 2.0
22.11.1. Loyalty The open, participatory Web 2.0 environment encourages user contribution, enhancing customer loyalty and lifespan. Marketing/PR. By taking advantage of the aforementioned benefits, marketing and PR teams can implement low-cost, wide-coverage, viral strategies. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Web 2.0 delivery mechanisms - such as Blogs and RSS - significantly enhance search engine exposure through their distributed nature
22.12. New startups focus
22.12.1. YAMMER Created by an existing company, Geni, to scratch its own itch, Yammer takes the familiar Twitter messaging system and applies it to internal corporate communications. There is such a huge demand for this type of service that 10,000 people and 2,000 organizations signed up for the service the first day it launched on Monday. Anyone with a corporate email can sign up and follow other people in their company. But if a company wants to claim its users, and gain administrative control over them, they will have to pay. It’s a brilliant business model. www.yammer.com
22.12.2. ATMOSPHIR Atmosphir is a gaming platform that anyone can use to create their own immersive, 3D levels. The tool works by dragging and dropping level elements into place - pieces of land, bridges, hazards, etc. To play your level, all you have to do is hit “play” and you can even go back to the editor after entering gameplay. Atmosphir is available for Macs, PCs and Linux machines and was developed by MinorStudios www.atmosphir.com
22.12.3. FITBIT FitBit produces a small gadget that can be clipped discreetly to your clothes. It tracks your movement throughout the day and delivers reports on how active you’ve been. These reports can be accessed through a website and used to learn not only how many steps you’ve taken but your sleeping patterns and caloric burn as well. www.fitbit.com
22.12.4. THE GLAMMERS The Glammers are an alternative rock virtual band that formed in Edimburgh in 2006. The Glammers released their first single, "Messensheriff", in 2007, and their debut album, is coming in April 2008. In December 2007, The Glammers created a MySpace of the band, and posted Messensheriff to share with friends around the world. The song attracted thousands of listeners, and was an inmediatly success. In April 2008, The Glammers will present an EP and the full disc will completely record before 2009. Now, the band are working in the video of Messensheriff. www.myspace.com/theglammers