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Chemistry by Mind Map: Chemistry

1. Teacher

1.1. Mr. Najbor

2. Elements

2.1. Symbols

2.2. Atomic Number

2.3. Atomic Mass

2.4. Isotopes

3. Bonding

3.1. Ionic

3.2. Metallic

3.3. Molecular/Covalent

4. Notation

4.1. Formulas

4.2. Combining

4.3. Different Types

5. Periodic Table

5.1. Originated

5.2. Organization

5.3. Periods & Groups

5.4. Metals

5.5. Metalloids

5.6. Nonmetals

6. Parts of the Atom

6.1. Electrons

6.1.1. Valence

6.1.2. Inner

6.2. Neutrons

6.3. Protons

7. Diagrams

7.1. Bohr-Rutherford

7.2. Electron-dot