The Revolutionary War: America's Independence

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The Revolutionary War: America's Independence von Mind Map: The Revolutionary War: America's Independence

1. Boston Tea Party

1.1. Colonists that were patriots dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the taxes on tea and other goods. They dressed as Native Americans and went during the night.

1.1.1. This angered Britain and they shut down the Boston Harbor.

2. Boston Massacre

2.1. This further angered the colonists. Shots were fired into a crowd and a few people were killed by the British soldiers Crispus Attucks, an African American, was the first one killed.

3. The Constitutional Convention

4. Taxation without representation is tyranny!

4.1. Stamp Act

4.2. Quartering Act

4.3. Intolerable Acts

4.4. Quebec Act

4.5. Townshend Acts

4.6. Tea Act

5. Declaration of Independence

5.1. July 4, 1776

6. Lexington & Concord

6.1. This was the first battle of the Revolutionary War. While England had a well-trained army, the colonists used minutemen to fight. However, they had the advantage of knowing the frontier.