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causes of ww1 von Mind Map: causes of ww1

1. short term

1.1. The Assassination

1.1.1. Ferdinand and his wife were murdered in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Bosnian Serbian nationalist terrorist organization the ‘Black Hand Gang.’

1.2. .

2. long term

2.1. alliances

2.1.1. alliances is a agreement of 2 or more countries ,that if one country goes to war or is under attack the other country will help and defend it.The Triple Alliance of 1882 linked Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. The Triple Entente of 1907 linked France, Britain and Russia.

2.2. militarism

2.2.1. militarism is just the idea of having the most powerful military power. for example Germany was building a powerful navy.

2.3. imperialism

2.3.1. For example, the Russo-Japanese War (1905) over aspirations in China, helped bring the Triple Entente into being.

2.4. nationalism

2.4.1. nationalism is the idea of a county thinking its the best.