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The scrap car von Mind Map: The scrap car

1. Social development

1.1. Areas with poverty can have that abiility to work in a sustainible factory. Also fair trade between the workers and the overlords

1.2. The workers gets an acceptable payment for their work

1.3. Will stabilizee the demand for jobs in for example parts of Africa

2. Economic

2.1. The car should be produced in the countries that they are sold in, this means that the transportation process is cheaper and it is the same for the people

2.2. A lighter car, a better price

3. Nature and envirement

3.1. The car would be fully made from scrap parts instead of new produced parts in ordinary factories

3.2. They don't have to transport the car to different countries and the middlemen are not there. It will come out cheaper

3.3. The air car could also be implemented so the process is fully green