Pedagogical concerns for classroom practice

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Pedagogical concerns for classroom practice von Mind Map: Pedagogical concerns for classroom practice


1.1. In order for learners to learn, they need to reflect upon their Learning in discussion with teachers and peers, in diaries and in reports. Brandes and Boskic (2008) discuss one area where a new computer rnetaphor, the ePortfolio, has provided opportunities for scaffolding and reflecting upon their learning.

1.1.1. Through reflection, learners begin to examine learning materials and their strategies for app roaching them, thus benefiting even when a CALL program or online learning resource does not meet their learning needs


2.1. For collaboration at the computer to be successful, a supportive environment needs to be established. It was noted in Chapter 1 that learners often collaborate at the computer, even though it is not the expectation of the scttil1g that they do so. That i5, the environment of traditional school is not usually or ideally suited to the delivery o f CALL or other types of computer-aided learning in a collaborative context (for more on this see Logau , 1995).

3. considers the role of the computer as a kind of virtual teacher, or at least taking the place of the teacher for some functions at some times as learners increasingly engage in autonomous learning.

4. Computers, software and WWW-based services are not seen solely as positive agents of change in the classroom; they also face criticism the already mentioned example of young and second-Language learners lack-ING dictionary and library search skills, a multimedia resource may prove to be too seductive an information source. The result is a delay or even complete omission of their learning of traditional and useful information search skills, just as a reliance on electronic calculators has discouraged some learners' basic numeracy skills.

5. One of the challenges to collaboration is the need to determine the working process. If this is subverted by an environment that is unwelcoming to collaboration, it becomes more difficult for learners to learn and teachers may dismiss collaborative activities for the wrong reasons.