Service Marketing

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Service Marketing von Mind Map: Service Marketing

1. Service

1.1. Service Provider to Service Provider

1.1.1. Information Services

1.1.2. Advertising Services

1.1.3. Security Services

1.2. Service Provider to Customer

1.2.1. Educational Services

1.2.2. Transportation Services

1.2.3. Food Services

1.2.4. Health Care Services

2. Economics

2.1. Supply

2.2. Demand

2.3. Business

2.4. Cash Inflow

2.5. Cash Outflow

3. Customer Relationship

3.1. Service Provider

3.2. Selling service

3.3. Customer

4. Marketing

4.1. Product

4.2. Price

4.3. Promotion

4.4. Place

4.5. Sale

5. Process

5.1. Providing

5.2. Giving Value

5.3. Evaluating

6. Value

6.1. Price

6.2. Quality