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length of school days von Mind Map: length of school days

1. technology

1.1. technology is a big distraction

1.2. having cell phones at night increases the chances of kids not sleeping enough

2. demographics

2.1. would effect students because of the lack of sleep they are getting.

2.2. can effect parents because of the hours in their work day.

2.3. teachers work hours could be effected.

2.4. could effect traffic for working people

2.5. transportation -bus drivers

3. history

3.1. 20 years ago there were studies done to show how students preformed better in class when the school start time was changed to 8:30am instead of 7:30am.

3.2. the first American schools opened during the 17th century.

4. education

4.1. lack of sleep reduces concentration in class

4.1.1. sleep deprived teens have a hard time staying awake in classes

4.2. increased standardized test scores with more sleep

4.2.1. increased memory with more sleep

5. ethics

5.1. had difficulty finding information for this bubble.

6. economics

6.1. the U.S. economy loses $4 billion due to sleep deprivation each year.

6.1.1. sleep deprivation has been proven to be the leading cause of death for at least half the people living in the united states.

6.2. some people believe longer school days will benefit parents by having longer work days.

6.3. time of day effects productivity

6.4. delaying start times can reduce car crash rates.