Reading Acquisition for ELL Students- Kelley

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Reading Acquisition for ELL Students- Kelley von Mind Map: Reading Acquisition for ELL Students- Kelley

1. Alphabetic Principles

1.1. Phonemic Awareness

1.2. Phonics

1.3. concepts of print

2. Fluency

2.1. Strategies

2.1.1. teach rapid word recognition

2.1.2. model prosody and expression

2.1.3. teach phrasing by scooping words

2.1.4. choral reading

2.1.5. repeated readings

2.2. Assessments

2.2.1. Informal Assessments

2.2.2. Portfolios

3. Vocabulary

3.1. explicitly teach words

3.2. help students make personal connection to the words

3.3. teach a reasonable number at one time

3.4. teach cognates

3.5. preview vocabulary before reading

3.6. teach vocab that relates to the topic

4. Family Cultural Values

4.1. Parent Involvement

4.2. Culturally Sensitive Classroom

4.3. Unbiased texts and assessments

5. Interactive Approach to Learning

5.1. Bottom Up Processing

5.2. Top Down Processing

6. Essential Elements to the Acquisition to Reading

6.1. phonics

6.2. vocabulary

6.3. fluency

6.4. comprehension

7. Comprehension

7.1. Strategies

7.1.1. Think Pair Share

7.1.2. Reciprical Teaching

7.1.3. K W L

7.1.4. picture walk

7.2. Organizational Tools

7.2.1. graphic organizers

7.2.2. sentence starters

7.2.3. story maps