Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)

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Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) von Mind Map: Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)

1. Economy

1.1. agriculture-vegetable crop

1.2. mining-(mineral reserve)-metallic ores -non-metallic minerals

1.3. Export processing zone

2. Language

2.1. Balangao (spoken in) Natonin, Mt. Province

2.2. Bontoc-Bontoc, Mt. Province

2.3. Ibaloi-Benguet

3. Ethnic groups

3.1. Igorot—commonly referred to people living in region

3.2. Abra (ethnic people)—Tingguians (sub-groups)—Adasen -Balatok -Banaw -Belwang -Binungan -Gubang -Inlaud -Mabaka -Maeng -Masadiit -Muyadan or Ammutan

3.3. Apayao-Isneg

4. Tourism

4.1. Banaue Rice Terraces-Ifugao-UNESCO World Heritage Site

4.2. Sumaguing Cave-Sagada —Mummy Caves-Benguet and Mt. Province —Philippine Eagle-Crested-Serpent Eagle

4.3. —last forest frontier of the North the Province of Apayao —National Parks-Cassamata Hill -Mount Data -Balbasang-balbasan -Mount Pulag

5. Culture

5.1. unique musical instruments—gangsa Kalinga -nose flute -bamboo flute -bangibang -buzzer -tongatong -diwdiw-as -saggeypo -bamboo zither

6. Religion

6.1. Catholic-largest denomination-60%-70%

6.2. Protestant-Anglicans-Evangelicals-20%-30%

6.3. Animism-practiced by tribal people