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Assessments von Mind Map: Assessments

1. 1. Formative

1.1. Definition: The process of gathering evidence of student learning while providing feedback and adjusting instruction strategies to enhance student achievement.

1.1.1. Examples: Discussion, quiz, observation

2. 3. Summative

2.1. Definition: formal exam distributed at the end of a unit or end of a school year that will determine whether students have mastered a large quantity of material.

2.1.1. Examples: standardized testing, final exams, cumulative projects, research projects

3. 2. Interim/Benchmark

3.1. Definition: formal style of periodic testing throughout the school year with little to no feedback to students.

3.1.1. Examples: 6 weeks test, chapter test, written assignment

4. 4. Performance

4.1. Definition: Tasks that assess a student's ability to show what they learned from a specific unit or content area.

4.1.1. Examples: group projects, portfolios, demonstrations

5. H.O.T. Questions

5.1. Opening Question

5.1.1. 1. Point to the title... what could this story be about?

5.1.2. 2. Looking at the front cover, do you think this text will be fiction or non fiction?

5.2. Guiding Questions

5.2.1. 1. Describe in your own words what _____ means.

5.2.2. 2. Would you have done the same thing as....?

5.3. Closing Questions

5.3.1. 1. What do you think will happen to ______? Why?

5.3.2. 2. Could this story really have happened? Why or why not?

6. 5. Diagnostic

6.1. Definition: Tests that are administered at the beginning of a course or unit and will inform teachers of student achievement gaps. Can be used to plan future lessons and differentiate instruction.

6.1.1. Examples: Pre-course text exams, pre-course surveys