Durham Black Educators' Network

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Durham Black Educators' Network von Mind Map: Durham Black Educators' Network

1. Services/Programs: works with parents, guardians and community stakeholders to support student engagement through ongoing communication, and information sessions.

1.1. Scholarships

1.1.1. The Power in me Scholarship

1.1.2. The Black Community Rise to Excellence Scholarship

1.2. Awards

1.2.1. Mark Joel Trailblazer Award

1.2.2. Activating Student Success

1.3. Professional Development

1.3.1. Current Pedagogy and Curriculum Development • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy • Locally developed curriculum for Black Studies

2. How to access services

2.1. Fill out a membership form you can get online on their website

2.2. Become a member for $25 a year

3. Vision and Goals: To foster leadership and engagement with community for our students

4. Launched, The Durham Black Students’ Network (DBSN)

4.1. Programming

4.1.1. Reciprocal Mentorship Program - building on personal networks and support systems. This aims to repair fragmented experiences for black youth within the community.

4.1.2. Future Leaders Workshops Series - topics such as financial literacy, rebuilding healthy relationships, intergenerational relationships (authority), funding your education, writing skills for leadership;

4.1.3. Safe space / Creative Forums - focusing on the needs of the participants and determined by interactions with elders and greater community networks;

4.2. Aim/Goals

4.2.1. They aim to guide and support marginalized youth within Durham region to better access opportunities and resources within the community. They strive to cultivate and empower total well being through personal and professional development.

4.2.2. By providing accessibility, DBSN will work to bridge the gap between community, resources, and youth.

4.3. How to access services

4.3.1. This program is for racialized and marginalized youth in the Durham region. Geared towards high school aged students primarily but not excluding post secondary students. (14 - 29 years old). To register students/parents can send an email on the contact page.