Software Architecture

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Software Architecture von Mind Map: Software Architecture

1. What is software architecture?

2. Why is important software architecture?

3. Detecting the necessary protocols.

4. Identify quality attributes to meet the objectives.

5. Make the whole system easier.

6. Align application development with business objectives

7. Set of significant decisions

8. A clear assignment of functions to the components

9. Principles of conceptual integrity

10. guide for software development team

11. It is the base for software to be developed effectively.

12. By knowing the abstract behavior, and what are the architectural elements.

13. Is primordial for the understanding the negotiation and the communication

14. How modelling software architecture?

15. What quality factors are relationed wuth software architecture?

16. developed techniques gives a level of maturity to this complexity.

17. Scalability.- Responds user actions in a acceptable amount on time, even if load increases.

18. Performance.- Response time of the software.

19. Security.-Requirements for the software to develop normally.

20. Achieve a UML is one way.

21. Structures that describe the different points of view.