Reflective Teaching

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Reflective Teaching von Mind Map: Reflective Teaching

1. Definition

2. *A teacher who takes his own class experience as an oportunity to change someting in special

3. *See and use a bad experiencies in teaching to an oportunity to change is method to teach

4. *Takes in the roll of the student to make the class more comfortable to everyone in the classroom

5. Helps the school to improve the methods and skills to develop and grow up the educational establishment.

6. Definition

7. Characteristics

8. Can solve problems in the classroom easily or if him can not, try to find the most corrrect choice to solve it.

9. Is improving his teaching constantly to make him a better teacher

10. can judge himself without any problem to become better

11. Advantages

12. Can realize a better improvise class without any problem to do it.

13. is a good person to makes the best choices

14. makes the students comfortable with the class and that helps to have a betteer class learning

15. Action research Components

16. be consious of himselves mistakes to start to be a reflective teacher

17. can be helped with theories like Gibb's model "learning by doing"

18. can turn your professional research into reflective teaching to takes an action research for it.

19. Tools

20. Can be a planner to write things that are related to pedagogy, in specific things that's needs to raise up

21. Record the audio or a video of a class can be use as a tool to improve the teaching

22. A student can be used as a tool because him can give you a feedback of your class and with that you can take in mind some ideas.

23. Procedure

24. First can start with make questions to himselves as a teachers

25. Can use the tools frequently to habituate as a refelective teacher as well

26. Read a lot about this topic or various methods to teach depending of te kind of classroom to improve reflective teaching

27. Justification

28. Because you can have a better class experience if you are a reflective teacher

29. As a teacher you have a lot of missions and one is be the best teacher as far than you can

30. you can find this topic because you think you teaching its not working well, your students had a lot of bad grades or your class turn bored fo te students. Or simply te class is good but you feels te need to improve more your class