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Mobile platforms von Mind Map: Mobile platforms

1. google android

1.1. Caracteristics

1.1.1. open: not limited to a manufacturer

1.1.2. performance: the interaction is fast and agile

1.1.3. User interface: the navigation system is simple and intuitive

1.1.4. Communications: Advanced features of technological innovations

1.1.5. Synchronization: allows synchronization with other devices

2. Apple iOS

2.1. It was developed to support your different iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple TV devices

2.2. iOS is a closed ecosystem for Apple devices.

3. WindoesPhone 8

3.1. New metro interface based on square-shaped icons representing applications

3.2. It is optimized for touch screens

3.3. integration with windows 8

4. Open source mobile platforms

4.1. Firefox

4.2. Sailfish OS

4.3. Tizen OS

4.4. Ubuntu OS Mobile

4.5. Web OS