Guru Nanak's life before river incident

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Guru Nanak's life before river incident von Mind Map: Guru Nanak's life before river incident

1. The Cobra insident

1.1. One day Nanak was lying in the sun unprotected with danger of being burned. A Cobra suddenly appeared looking like it was about to pounce on Nanak, but instead it shielded Nanak from the sun because it believed Nanak was holy

2. From many sources I have heard Guru Nanak liked talking to holy men in his village about God.

3. Guru Nanak when he was a little child he loved giving the poor money which they needed

4. Born

4.1. Born into high class family of Merchants and soldiers

4.2. Born in Talwandi, NW India, The Punjab land of 5 rivers

4.3. Born a Hindu

5. The River Insident

5.1. Guru Nanak was swimming in the lake with his friends, he dived into the water and didn't come back

5.1.1. His family were worrying tremendously but luckily Nanak apeared 3 days later and said, " There is no Hindu nor Muslim, Which path shall I follow? God's path.