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Evolution von Mind Map: Evolution

1. Descent w/modification

1.1. Unity of Life

1.2. Diversity of life

1.3. species living today arose from succession of ancestors that were different from them

2. Diversity of life

2.1. modifications that evolved as species diverged from their ancestors

3. Natural Selection

3.1. Unequal reproductive success

3.1.1. individual w/inherited traits best suited to local environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than are less than well-suited individual

3.2. Overproduction of offspring

3.2.1. species can produce far more offspring than environment can support - competition for resources makes offspring fail to survive and reproduce

4. Artificial selection

4.1. crops, livestock, and pets bear little resemblance to wild ancestors due to species modification by humans traits include drought intolerance, improved growth, increased nutrition, etc

5. Emergent properties

5.1. result from specific arrangement and interactions of parts; combination of components from a system

6. Evidence

6.1. Vestigial Structures

6.2. Genetics

6.3. Fossil Recording

6.4. Individual variation

6.4.1. individual in population vary in traits, many of which seem to be heritable

6.5. Natural selection

6.5.1. mechanism of evolution that started from the ideas of indiv variation and overproduction of offspring

7. Variation & Differences

7.1. Mutations

7.2. Recombination

7.3. Differences in biological structure

7.3.1. Shape of something

7.4. Differences in biological function

7.4.1. what biologic system does

8. Unity of life

8.1. Descent from a common ancestor

9. Accumulation of favorable traits over time

9.1. From unequal reproductive success over many generations, a higher and high proportion of individual in population will have advantageous traits