space rover

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space rover von Mind Map: space rover

1. function

1.1. collect information

1.2. transport members of a human space flight crew

1.3. land other planet

2. history

2.1. first roving remote control was soviet rover

2.2. the first rover failed and it was on 1969

2.3. it was landed to the moon

3. benefits

3.1. withstand the high temperatures

3.2. non-wheeled approaches

3.3. packed in another spacecraft

4. what does it have

4.1. brain

4.2. eyes and other scenes

4.3. body

4.4. arm and hand

4.5. legs

4.6. energy

4.7. communication

5. disadvantages

5.1. limited capacity

5.2. expensive

6. place

6.1. mars

6.2. other planet

7. requirements

7.1. battery,Bluetooth and motor