Durham Behaviour Management Services

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Durham Behaviour Management Services von Mind Map: Durham Behaviour Management Services

1. What is it? It is consultation for parents and professionals regarding positive behavioural supports for children age 2 to 12; also provides toileting resources.

2. Consultation Services: Individualized behavioural consultation services are available to assist in problem solving specific behavioural concerns. This service to parents / professionals begins with an in depth interview in which behaviour concerns are discussed and available service options are outlined.

3. We offer a number of parent / professional workshops throughout the year. Presentations may include topics on: Encouraging co-operation Understanding your child’s behaviour Parenting your special needs child

4. Who needs our services: You are finding it very difficult to manage and change your child’s behaviour problems. Your child care provider is concerned about your child’s challenging behaviour. Your child has significant behaviour problems such as:  Aggression  Self-injury  Non-compliance  Temper tantrums  Problems getting along with others  Attention challenges  Sibling rivalry  Toileting issues

5. At Durham Behaviour Management Services we understand the importance of our families. We realize that individual approaches to dealing with“challenging behaviours” will maximize the caregivers abilities and the child’s development.