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The city von Mind Map: The city

1. Transportation

1.1. car

1.2. Bus

1.3. Airplane

1.4. Train

1.5. Ship

1.6. Bikes

2. Community

2.1. Teachers

2.2. Police

2.3. Doctor

2.4. Nurse

2.5. Farmer

2.6. Seller

2.7. Firefighter

2.8. Lawyers

2.9. Veterinarians

3. Places

3.1. Hospitals

3.2. Police station

3.3. Museums

3.4. Hotels

3.5. Restaurants

3.6. Parks

3.7. Turistic places

3.8. Shopping places

3.9. Local Businesses

3.10. Stores

3.11. Schools

4. Kinds

4.1. Urban

4.2. Suburban

4.3. Rural