Creating a Better Mood

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Creating a Better Mood von Mind Map: Creating a  Better Mood

1. 1. Better mood for yourself?

1.1. Can you do it for others?

1.2. Why isn't everyone happy?

1.3. Happy is preferable to sad

2. 2. It is possible to improve mood

2.1. Think you're in a good mood

2.2. Believe it, your attitude will change

2.3. Simple act of smiling

2.4. People don't know you can

2.5. Parents & teachers told us - it's the way it is

3. 6 - Change up your routine

3.1. Don't do the same thing day in day out

3.2. Step up your game

3.3. Do something out of the ordinary

3.4. Make a point of doing that once a month

4. 5 - Do more things to make you happy

4.1. You have control over most activities

4.2. If possible avoid adverse situations

4.3. Do less things that make you unhappy

5. 4 - Don't worry about the mundane

5.1. They will happen anyway

5.2. Don't let them hang over your head

5.3. Don't let things build

6. 3 - Reflect on life

6.1. Be grateful for what you have

6.2. Be grateful for good health

6.3. Appreciate good things

7. 2 - Create the right environment

7.1. Lifts your spirits

7.2. Play the right music

7.3. Burn incense

8. 1 - Hang out with upbeat people

8.1. Sourpuss will bring down a group

8.2. They make sure everyone is miserable

8.3. Avoid - less chance of being in a bad mood