Writing an Argument from Evidence

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Writing an Argument from Evidence von Mind Map: Writing an Argument from Evidence

1. Evidence #1

1.1. Analysis- Why is it important?

1.2. Application- what does it show?

1.3. Form of Appeal- Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Kieros?

2. Evidence #2

2.1. Analysis- Why is it important?

2.2. Application- what does it show?

2.3. Form of Appeal- Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Kieros?

3. Evidence #3

3.1. Analysis- Why is it important?

3.2. Application- what does it show?

3.3. Form of Appeal- Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Kieros?

4. Introduction

4.1. Summarize what is going to be discussed and what The evidence is going to show

5. Summary

5.1. Review and Summarize the evidence and restate your case and how the evidence proves it.