Wellington WEA Rebooted?

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Wellington WEA Rebooted? von Mind Map: Wellington WEA Rebooted?

1. Workers' wellbeing

1.1. Health and wellbeing courses

1.1.1. Mental health and stress

1.1.2. Diet and exercise

1.2. Activity groups

1.2.1. Mindfulness for militants

1.2.2. Rebel Runners

1.2.3. The people's pottery

2. Political education

2.1. Key ideas

2.1.1. Marxism 101

2.1.2. Working class feminism

2.1.3. Decolonisation

2.1.4. Socialism: reformist and revolutionary

2.1.5. Workers' cooperatives

2.2. Civic education

2.2.1. Economics How captalism works The tax system

2.2.2. Democracy Representative Participative In the workplace

2.3. The little red reading group

2.3.1. Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason

2.4. Red town, red gown

2.5. The right to the city

2.6. Add others???

3. Community research

3.1. Community Based Participatory Research

4. Social justice forums

4.1. Prison abolition (PAPA)

4.1.1. People Against Prisons Aotearoa

4.2. NZ and the Arms Trade (PAW)

4.2.1. Peace Action Wellington

4.3. Israeli Apartheid and BDS (WP)

4.3.1. Wellington Palestine

4.4. Carbon free NZ (GZ)

4.4.1. Generation Zero

4.5. The plan to fix renting (RU)

4.5.1. Renters United!

4.6. Add others ???

5. Activists toolkit

5.1. Citizen journalism

5.1.1. Blogging

5.1.2. Podcasting and community radio Wellington Access Radio

5.1.3. Social media

5.2. Legal rights

5.2.1. For activists

5.2.2. For renters

5.2.3. Home - Community Law

5.2.4. Workers rights

5.2.5. Human rights

5.3. Creativity, art and activism

5.3.1. Beautiful Trouble | A toolbox for revolution

5.3.2. Street photography

5.4. Decolonising your organisation

5.5. Add others???

6. Working class history

6.1. Te Tiriti o Waitangi

6.2. Māori resistance and renaissance

6.3. Labour organisation, strikes and lockouts

6.3.1. Labour History Project

6.4. The womens movement