Teaching English Language Learners

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Teaching English Language Learners von Mind Map: Teaching English Language Learners

1. What is the definition of ELL?

1.1. ELL stands for English Language Learners.

1.1.1. ELLs are students in provincially funded English language schools whose first language is a language other than English.These are students who may require focussed educational support to assist them in attaining proficiency in English.

2. What is an ELD Program?

2.1. ELD stands for English Literacy Development

2.2. ELD programs are for students whose first language is one other than English or is a variety of English different than that used in instruction

2.3. These students often had gaps in their previous education. Their learning was inconsistent, disrupted or was unavailable

3. What is an ESL Program?

3.1. ESL stands for English as a Second Language

3.2. ESL programs are for students whose first language is one other than English.

3.3. These programs give students the opportunity to develop age-appropriate first language literacy skills.