Four theories of Media Sensationalism

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Four theories of Media Sensationalism von Mind Map: Four theories of Media Sensationalism

1. Professional Subculture Theory

1.1. Professional Subculture Theory is when journalists try to personalize their stories so that the audience can feel a relation. They also tend to dramatize their stories.

1.1.1. Weather Channel Responds To Claims Reporter Was Faking Coverage Of Hurricane Florence

1.1.2. KHOU Anchor being a bit overdramatic

2. Money Machine Theory

2.1. Money Machine Theory in media is when they are reaching to a large audience in order to make a profit by marketing and advertising.

2.1.1. Nordstrom to open boutique-y Nordstrom Local Shops

2.1.2. Consignment shops slashing prices on designer items with tags

3. Ruling Elite Theory

3.1. Ruling Elite Theory is seen as a distracting media, it's meant to take the light off of more important social issues, such as racism, poverty, inequality, etc.

3.1.1. Lil Xan Goes CRAZY At Mall Employee | TMZ

3.1.2. Unimportant Kourtney Kardashian is PREGNANT Again! | TMZ

4. Grassroots Theory

4.1. Grassroots Theory in media is when the story is exciting and grabs the attention of the watcher/reader. Fact checking isn't as important, as long as the story feels true.

4.1.1. Dog Saves Baby From Abusive Babysitter

4.1.2. The Most Insane News Interview Ever!!