U.S History II Lessons learned

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U.S History II Lessons learned von Mind Map: U.S History II Lessons learned

1. Great Depression: The government gave people jobs to help them through the depression. The government never gave out jobs in the past.

2. *Government* What is the role and responsibility of the American Government?

2.1. WWII: The dropping of the atomic bomb may have ended WWII. But casualties were high, and the effects afterwards had both positive and negative points.

2.2. COLD WAR: Red Scare: We learned that many innocent Americans were put in jail for being communist. We learned that we need to investigate more before we accuse people. It also made Americans worry more and think that friends, family, and neighbors may be communist.

2.3. COLD WAR: Red Scare: Government has to make sure that the threat they are taking on is real

2.4. The great Society; when the government cuts taxes and creates large social programs government debt increases.

3. *Leaders & Presidents* What makes an effective leader?

3.1. Great Depression

3.1.1. FDR was popular because he had a plan to fix the Great Depression. Hoover believed that people should fix their own problems not the government.

3.2. WWII: Leaders that use total war are immoral but very effective

3.3. LBJ tried to start the Great Society to help people in poverty. We learned that these programs are still helping people today.

3.4. Veitnam War. Nixon Promises That the U.S will win and leave and get out of Vietnam. Increases Bomb raids in N. Vietnam. Invasion of Cambodia, Nixon has S. VIet Troops lead us troops to cambodia. This failed and Nixon pulls troops from Camboida. But Nixon lies about this failing. The American People learned not to trust the Government

4. *Migration* What causes migration and how has it impacted America.

4.1. 1920s Harlem Renaissance

4.1.1. When African Americans migrated to Northern And western cities, they were able to practice their own cultures

4.2. WWII: Holocaust: Jewish people were segregated and weren't allowed to leave the country due to Germany and other countries restrictions on immigration.

5. *Economics* How has economics impacted America & Americans?

5.1. Great Depression.

5.1.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt increased.

5.1.2. Borrowing money to bye stocks, and they can't do that anymore.

5.2. WWII: People would invest in war bonds which showed American that investing in our country not only does it benefit the troops but yourself.

6. *Media* To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

6.1. WWII: We learned the media is very influential to the public and Hitler used it to his advantage.

6.2. COLD WAR: the media was used to scare people into reporting their neighbors as communist

6.3. JFK's : Assassination: when a traumatic event occurs that is not understood by the people, they will begin to spread rumors and conspiracy theories to explain the situation to themselves.

7. *Civil Rights* To what extent have the oppressed in america been able to attain an equality of life?

7.1. WWII: When the government took the Japanese AMerican to the camps, we learned that we should not punish people due to their race. WWII: Holocaust: When leaders go unchallenged Hitler will continue to destroy the Jews because no one is trying to stop him.

7.2. MLK: He had a dream all races the same and his non violent protests are used today.

7.3. MLK: Protest-People today still use the non-violent protests for causes.

7.4. Leaders: Even though MLK and Malcolm X are dead, their ideas haven't gone away.

8. *Technology* How does technology impact society?

8.1. World War I

8.1.1. Poisonous gas was first released during World War I.

8.1.2. Tanks were made to go over trenches during World War I.

8.2. 1920s: invention of credit had made a big hit in the banks. What most consumers did not know was that every time they used credit, in reality they were creating mass debt. Debt was piling up. Consumers had as deadline to pay off their loans. So people started to take out their stocks. Banks offered and many that was not theirs and this kick started the Great Depression.

8.3. JFK used T.V do get people to like him and vote for him. Every president since JFK has used Television to help them win elections.

9. *Foreign Relations* How have foreign entanglements influence America?

9.1. World War I

9.1.1. When the U.S, is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

9.1.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict.

9.2. WWII: After WWI, the world didn't learn it's lesson, which led to similar causes of WWII. But after WWII, things changed. The more allies the better. The atomic bomb after it went off did NOT ease tension between the Soviet Union and the US. We learned that sacrafice is just as important as the battle.

9.3. Cold War: Stay involved and support our allies

9.3.1. Communism: If we don't help out to stop communism the country fails and the US loses economic trading partners.

9.4. COLD WAR: Containment: The US learned that communism needs to be stopped. We learned that if we don't help countries they might fall to communism and we would be worried about an Arms Race with them.

9.5. COLD WAR: NATO: forming this organization has helped prevent conflicts. Other countries cannot invade member countries.

9.6. COLD WAR: KOREAN WAR: this was did not go well for America - we learned that just because we think our goal is good, doesn't mean it is easy to accomplish. We get involved in things that are right or good.....but in the long term are not easy, cost a lot of money and American lives...and we still might not win.

9.7. JFK Stood up to Soviet Union and Cuba and kept us safe from nuclear war. We learned that nuclear war leaded to be prevented at all costs.

9.8. Vietnam War - The United States came in too late and didn't put in enough effort. Vietnamization- replacing US troops with South Vietnam Troops. Increases bombing raids in North Vietnam. Killing many citizens- looks bad on U.S. Never go to war late and plan ahead.

10. Media:

10.1. JFK's : Assasination : when a traumatic event occurs that is not understood by the people, they will begin to spread rumors and conspiracy theories to explain the situation to themselves.

10.2. Vietnam War: Reporters were in Vietnam Reporting about My Lai Massacre Us troops, kill 350 civilians, mostly women+children, U.S. looks bad in the whole world in the news. The Lesson learned is that we need to be careful who we are killing duirng war. We also learned that the media can help or hurt our effort.